Want Inner Calm? Practice Mindful Yoga

Child’s Pose for stress relief in a mindful yoga and movement class

Is all yoga mindful? Yes and no. It depends on how you practice.

I practice and teach yoga that is slower, sustainable, and healing for both mind and body. It provides a balance of challenge and restoration, and leads to mental calm.

I've seen firsthand the transformative power that this type of yoga can have on the mind, body and spirit.

A mindful yoga practice helps you figure out and honor what you need in the moment. You’re not locked into any particular practice. The practice is guided by you.

Mindful yoga can even include things like getting out in nature or working in the garden (a form of yoga and meditation for me). Or taking fifteen minutes to do therapy ball massage with Tune Up Fitness therapy balls and supported movement. A slower, mindful flow can be great as a moving meditation, to build heat, connect to strength and power, and clear the mind. One of the best yogic ways to clear the mind is with a restorative pose 3-10 minutes long with easy, conscious breathing. Child’s Pose can be extremely calming when you have the right level of support to relax into it.

Restorative Child's Pose with blankets and bolster in a Pasadena Altadena semi-private yoga class

I tend toward anxiety and overwork, which is one reason I teach yoga. I witness the healing in myself and my students. You get to slow your rapid mind, nourish your body, and connect with your breath and the present moment.

Whether you like a slower, personalized style of yoga or a different one, there are countless yoga practices that can help to relieve stress, take you out of your head, and connect you to the present moment. You’ll usually find a version of Child’s Pose in any yoga practice you do.

How to do Child´s pose (Balasana) in Yoga

  • Come to table. (Hands and knees).

  • Bring tops of feet to the floor.

  • Move your knees wider than hips distance, and feet in toward each other.

  • Sit your hips back to your heels, walk the arms forward.

  • Keep arms active or rest them, depending on how you feel.


  • If your knees or hips love support, place a folded blanket or two over calves and under bum to support pelvis

  • Place a block or other support under forehead to keep neck in line with the rest of your spine

  • Place a blanket underneath you for cushioning.

  • Support your whole torso with a bolster/blanket combo for a wonderful restorative experience. Add a blanket under bum as well.

  • If your ankles are tight, place a partially rolled blanket under the front of the ankle for support. When the body is supported the mind can let go!

If you want to take class with me look here for my live semi-private classes, here for privates, and here for an online program that will kick-start your practice and perhaps transform your life! I look forward to helping you thrive.

About The Author

Gwen Yeager is an LA-based yoga expert who loves helping people deepen their practice in practical ways that work with real-life (she’s also a cancer survivor and mother of twins). She provides her students with resources to incorporate healthy movement, breathwork, and mindfulness into every nook and cranny of living. While her teaching style is down-to-earth and approachable — she’s a stickler about the science movement and proper anatomical alignment because nothing is more important than long-term mobility and a vibrant quality of life!


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